CaseTalk 13.3.1 comes as a minor update, but packs some great enhancements.


The most obvious improvement

  • Show TODO over multiple projects
  • Enable fixing "Facts require proper verbalization" hints
  • Select shortest path in diagram for highlighting, selection or adding elements
  • Save query with connection setting and results
  • Use query output as virtual tables in other queries
  • Label Type Character Collation
  • Edit newly (re)factored fact expression after adding fact type
  • Improved the creation of new fact types

This all comes on top of 13.3 which included

  • Instant highlight lexicalization path in diagrams
  • Copy and paste Value Constraint
  • Copy selected elements only on Diagram
  • Merge from another IG File without projects
  • (Non/Unknown/Known) Authoritive Source to Object/Fact Types
  • Restore single file from archive
  • Extend Ontology hierarchy with custom attributes and filter profiles
  • Drag elements directly onto Containers in diagram to connect them
  • Combine object types into Generalized Object Types
  • Send Notifications to MsTeams Channel

For more information about the changes, please visit this changelog page. This new version is available on our download pages.


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