CaseTalk 13.4 is now available and it brings Chenn ER Diagrams to your fingertips.
CaseTalk 13.3.1 comes as a minor update, but packs some great enhancements.
With CaseTalk 13.3 the overall performance is increased, especially with large projects and startup time. Some handy new features are added when browsing the diagrams with Object/Fact Types.
With CaseTalk 13.2 generated diagrams are more consistent in their layout; we offer brand new To Do Items to help you keep track of your work, and allow you to export the model population as an Excel Spreadsheet for a poor man data administration.
CaseTalk 13.1.2 adds some new features, as listed below, but also fixed some serious bugs. So, if you are already on the version 13, you are advised to update your installation to get a better user experience.
CaseTalk 13.1 is a the first release in 2024 building on the 13.0 release. It offers more features on top of the already new Paragraphs, Concept Promotion and improved project. This increment supports better import of through xml-files, and greatly enhances the user interface when it comes to copy and paste operations, and exporting various diagrams to external image formats. For the advanced modelers we even provide a de-generalization function during modeling or model transformation.
A hotfix 13.1.1 is released to overcome occasional crashes in the expression input dialog.