Nov 2017
We’ve moved the publicly available examples files from our internal download pages to GitHub. They are published using the Creative Commons Attribution License. There you can retrieve them, do as you like with them, and start from there while studying CaseTalk. You may even publish your own projects to GitHub to share your work.
These articles will give background information directly related to CaseTalk or technical aspects. It contains historical articles and more philosophical articles on why communication-oriented information modeling is important. If you have questions that remain unanswered, please ask us. Your question may lead to an article on our website for the benefit of you and others.
To counter the sometimes rational aspects of work, Marco Wobben, occasionally relaxes through drawing. It requires a different set of brain cells to be active, and combines the seriousness with the humorous. Being able to laugh, even when it's at ourselves, is important. This is where it is useful to have a picture say more than a thousand words.