These terms and conditions apply to all training courses of BCP Software, which are offered on open enrollment and for which the participant has registered.

General Terms

  • If a situation arises between parties that is not covered by these terms and conditions, this situation should be judged in the spirit of these terms and conditions.
  • All information provided by or about participants or clients before or during the training and which can be expected to be confidential in nature, will be treated confidentially by BCP Software, its employees and teachers.
  • Teaching materials provided to participants during training will become their property (or, where applicable, the property of their employer). The intellectual property relating to the training and teaching materials is reserved to BCP Software.
  • The copyright of all course material provided before, during or after the trainings is owned by BCP Software. Copying (parts of) course material or providing it to third parties is only allowed after written permission from BCP Software.

Suspension, dissolution and early termination of the agreement

  • BCP Software is entitled to suspend the fulfillment of the obligations or to terminate the agreement, if the participant does not, not completely or not timely fulfill the obligations of the agreement, after the conclusion of the agreement.
  • If the training is cancelled by BCP Software due to force majeure, the full registration fee will be refunded. BCP Software is in no way obliged to compensate for damages and costs incurred in any way as a result of the cancellation.
  • For cancellations within one month before the start of the training, the participant will be charged the full amount.

Force majeure

  • BCP Software is not obliged to fulfill any obligation to the participant if BCP Software is prevented from doing so due to force majeure.
  • If the trainer is prevented by force majeure, a replacement will be sought or the training will be cancelled. In the latter case, a new date will be scheduled as soon as possible. There will be no refund. If more trainers are unavailable, a suitable solution will be offered. There will be no refund.
  • In these general conditions, force majeure includes, in addition to what is understood in law and jurisprudence, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, over which BCP Software has no control, but which prevent BCP Software from fulfilling its obligations.
  • If on-site training is not possible, for example due to governmental measures, BCP Software has the right to conduct the training online.
    In principle, BCP Software will not provide hybrid (partly live on location, partly online) training and always has the right to refuse this.
  • If a minimum amount of participants for the training is not reached, BCP Software will consider this to be a force majeure, and a new date will be scheduled as soon as possible. There will be no refund.

Payment and collection costs

  • Full payment must be received by BCP Software no later than 1 month before the training starts. If the participant fails to pay the full invoice on time, the registration will be canceled.


  • If BCP Software should be liable, this liability is limited to the provisions of this article.
  • BCP Software will not be liable for damages of any kind resulting from inaccurate or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of Participant.
  • The liability of BCP Software will in any case be limited to the amount paid by its insurer.
  • BCP Software is only liable for direct damages.
  • BCP Software shall never be liable for indirect damages, including consequential damages, lost profits, lost savings and damage due to business interruption.
  • The limitations of liability in this article do not apply if the damage is due to intent or gross negligence of BCP Software.


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