| | | 0003109 | | |
Diagrams | tweak | | 2021-09-07 | Context menu on otft status icon |
| | | 0003107 | | |
Validation | minor | | 2021-09-07 | Concept roles mentioned in well formedness rule |
| | | 0003106 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-09-07 | Flatten borders and bevels |
| | | 0003105 | 1 | |
User Interface | minor | | 2021-09-06 | UC Comment not saved |
| | | 0003103 | | |
User Interface | crash | | 2021-09-03 | Error when cancelling Tools\Preferences |
| | | 0003102 | | |
Installation | tweak | | 2021-09-03 | User interface choice not persisted |
| | | 0003101 | | |
User Interface | feature | | 2021-09-03 | Diagram role lines with Hint |
| | | 0003100 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-09-02 | OTFT Editor rearrange controls |
| | | 0003099 | 1 | |
User Interface | major | | 2021-09-02 | Dragging in diagram seems sluggish |
| | | 0003098 | | |
Diagrams | tweak | | 2021-09-01 | Click in Convex shape |
| | | 0003097 | | |
Import and Export | minor | | 2021-09-01 | Business Glossary skips conceptual information |
| | | 0003096 | | |
Import and Export | major | | 2021-09-01 | Business Glossary skips Schema |
| | | 0003095 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-09-01 | Context menu misses OTFT Title |
| | | 0003094 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-09-01 | Project context menu order |
| | | 0003093 | | |
Import and Export | block | | 2021-09-01 | Glossary export fails |
| | | 0003092 | | |
Installation | tweak | | 2021-08-31 | Roaming CaseTalk11 folder used |
| | | 0003091 | 1 | |
User Interface | minor | | 2021-08-31 | OTFT Go to Web uses Schema and FactName |
| | | 0003090 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-08-30 | Start UC wizard from OTFT Dialog |
| | | 0003087 | 1 | |
User Interface | minor | | 2021-08-30 | Fails to navigate using 'go to <diagram>' |
| | | 0003088 | 1 | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-08-30 | Colors make OTFTs unreadable |
| | | 0003086 | | |
Validation | minor | | 2021-08-30 | False positive in 'Expressions must be current' |
| | | 0003085 | 2 | |
Validation | tweak | | 2021-08-30 | Run wellformedness rules in parallel |
| | | 0003084 | 2 | 1 |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-08-28 | Task colors missing in Expressions |
| | | 0003083 | | |
Generation (SQL, XML, etc) | minor | | 2021-08-26 | OWL ObjectProperty wrong |
| | | 0003082 | | |
Generation (SQL, XML, etc) | major | | 2021-08-25 | MDF files contain wrong index |
| | | 0003079 | | |
Generation (SQL, XML, etc) | major | | 2021-08-23 | Prototype file not listed |
| | | 0003077 | | |
Installation | trivial | | 2021-08-22 | First run should ask for internet proxy |
| | | 0003075 | 1 | |
Project | major | | 2021-08-19 | Project folder problem |
| | | 0003076 | 1 | |
Installation | tweak | | 2021-08-19 | Proxy Server and Port not detected |
| | | 0003074 | | |
Diagrams | feature | | 2021-08-03 | Replace expressions tab |
| | | 0003073 | | |
User Interface | minor | | 2021-08-02 | No expression with multiple OTFTs |
| | | 0003069 | | |
Diagrams | feature | | 2021-08-01 | Diagram option to influence schema display |
| | | 0003072 | 1 | |
Import and Export | tweak | | 2021-08-01 | Expression tree to export as png |
| | | 0003071 | | |
User Interface | minor | | 2021-08-01 | Cancel project closure does not abort |
| | | 0003070 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-08-01 | Confirm before reopening |
| | | 0003068 | | |
Diagrams | minor | | 2021-07-31 | Role readings does not scale |
| | | 0003067 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-07-31 | Filter Concept/Containers |
| | | 0003066 | 1 | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-07-30 | Add containers and subcontainers to taxonomy |
| | | 0003064 | 1 | |
Import and Export | minor | | 2021-07-28 | Export only custom datatypes |
| | | 0003063 | | |
Diagrams | tweak | | 2021-07-28 | Show empty containers as concept |
| | | 0003062 | | |
User Interface | minor | | 2021-07-28 | OTFT highlights switches diagrams |
| | | 0003060 | | |
Diagrams | tweak | | 2021-07-26 | Allow Concept/Container Shape Types |
| | | 0003061 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-07-26 | OTFT Listbox missed icons |
| | | 0003053 | | |
User Interface | minor | | 2021-07-25 | Diagram save as leaves Filtering Item |
| | | 0003059 | 1 | |
Diff and Merge | tweak | | 2021-07-22 | Order of OTFT grouping in merge wizard |
| | | 0003057 | | |
Diagrams | minor | | 2021-07-21 | Label type name not updating |
| | | 0003056 | | |
Server | block | | 2021-07-21 | IG with locale attributes fails to upload |
| | | 0003055 | 1 | |
Diagrams | minor | | 2021-07-21 | Group and Container selection |
| | | 0003054 | | |
User Interface | tweak | | 2021-07-20 | Custom colors do not persist |
| | | 0003052 | | |
Server | feature | | 2021-07-19 | Centralize datatype management |