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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0004024 | CaseTalk Modeler | Lineage | public | 2023-07-12 13:03 | 2024-06-03 15:33 |
Reporter | BCP Software | Assigned To | BCP Software | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | assigned | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | Intel | OS | Windows | OS Version | 11 |
Target Version | 14.x | ||||
Summary | 0004024: For your eyes only - classifications | ||||
Description | According to a post on LinkedIn this makes sense for modeling (artifacts). | ||||
Additional Information | For Your Eyes Only: Understanding the reach of your models Most modeling artefacts (data, process, technology) that are created by humans for a specific purpose, usually outlive this purpose to become more that what their intention was. This creates a lot of risks for people who use these models. I think it is time to standardize this aspect and formalize it to prevent accidents in modeling reuse. The suggestion is a simple classification scheme to help us understand the usefulness of model artefacts. I call it the Eye-counting classification. It assumes that if you can count the number of eyes that your artefact should support, you understand the quality and verboseness that your artefact needs to support. This in turn helps you assess the amount of work, how verbose your artefacts need to be, and the applied notations and approaches 1. For My Eyes Only (FMEO) These artefacts only have immediate use for the creator, and have no long term usage. Ideal for classifying sketches or doodles. Any notation will do here. 2. For Your Eyes Only(FYEO) These artefacts are there to communicate between 2 persons/specific parties, but are not useful outside these parties. These 2 persons can be the *same* person over time. Without the communication context and understanding the parties, these artefacts are not really useful. 3. For Our Eyes Only(FOEO) These artefacts communicate inside a homogenous group, for example an application development group. The artefacts are maintained by and for the group. Outside the group these artefacts are not really useful. It is important to standardize on approaches well know to the target audience like UML or ER modeling. 4. For Those Eyes Only(FTEO) These artefacts have a specific target group in mind such as all executives (in organization X), all developers or all business analist. The group needs to be well defined but can be quite large. De creators don't need to be part of this group (usually they aren't). Here verbose models like Fact Based Modeling work quite well. 5. For All Eyes To See(FAETS) These artefacts are fully self describing, carry their own context/metadata and meta-metadata as to be understandable by arbitrary persons. That does not mean that will be *easy*, just that all knowledge to read the artefact is provided (or referenced) from the artefact itself. This level of quality is mandated for things like laws and regulations, and hence should apply to all model artefacts that represent such laws and regulations. Here only approaches like de #VDA of the dutch tax authority are valid candidates. In de #VDA we can be not only verbalize the assertions, but we assert the assertions themselves (and we can assert those as well), creating a intricate set of customizable interrelated speech acts | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
CaseTalk Edition | unknown | ||||
These should be applicable to the examples in the model or production data. And the groups in the FMEO/FYEO/FTEO/FATS should be populated through a hierarchy. The settings should also be applicable to the model elements themselves. Who can see a fact type, or a source-target-mapping, etc. |
On top of this, casetalk users (or portal visitors) should be part of a group to be able to 'see'. And the viewing of items, should be extended by CRUD operations to also document if someone may alter the elements or data, whereas the CRUD list itself can be extended to e.g.: Export, Print, etc. |
This is applicable to information elements, but also metadata for the production data rows. | |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2023-07-12 13:03 | BCP Software | New Issue | |
2023-07-12 13:03 | BCP Software | Status | new => assigned |
2023-07-12 13:03 | BCP Software | Assigned To | => BCP Software |
2023-10-25 11:38 | BCP Software | Target Version | 13.0.1 => 13.3 |
2024-01-29 17:10 | BCP Software | Note Added: 0005078 | |
2024-01-29 17:11 | BCP Software | Note Added: 0005079 | |
2024-01-29 17:12 | BCP Software | Note Edited: 0005079 | |
2024-03-13 09:36 | BCP Software | Target Version | 13.3 => 14.x |
2024-06-03 15:33 | BCP Software | Note Added: 0005267 |