Modeler: 10/RepositoryRules

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Model Well-formedness

This window shows the well-formedness rules for the active model. This window shows the basic rules to which your model should comply. It shows both errors and warnings. Errors need to be solved before any model generation can be started. Warnings are optional and are indicators to the modeler where to potentially improve the model.

It is advised to perform these rule checks regularly to keep the model in order.


CaseTalk supports rules which are errors or warnings when violated. Warnings are non blocking, and can therefor also be disabled in future model validations. Simply select the rule and click the lightbulb button. The next validation run will keep these rules quiet.

When only errors and warnings are of your interest, you may keep the non violated rules from being displayed by using the filter button.

The disablement of rules is saved inside the current project settings.

Click here for a full list of validation rules and their description: Integrity Checks.

Custom Rules

For more information on adding your own rules, please continue here.