View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004579CaseTalk ModelerData Explorerpublic2024-04-25 13:42
ReporterBCP Software Assigned ToBCP Software  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformIntelOSWindowsOS Version11
Target Version13.3.1Fixed in Version13.3.1 
Summary0004579: After comparing a model to the server, the 'server' is listed twice
DescriptionAfter runnning a version compare in the modeler, the data explorer shows both 'server' and 'Server'.
TagsNo tags attached.
CaseTalk Editionunknown


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-22 17:46 BCP Software New Issue
2024-04-22 17:46 BCP Software Status new => assigned
2024-04-22 17:46 BCP Software Assigned To => BCP Software
2024-04-25 09:59 BCP Software Target Version 14.x => 13.3.1
2024-04-25 13:42 BCP Software Status assigned => resolved
2024-04-25 13:42 BCP Software Resolution open => fixed
2024-04-25 13:42 BCP Software Fixed in Version => 13.3.1