View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004102CaseTalk ModelerRepositorypublic2024-03-13 09:37
ReporterBCP Software Assigned ToBCP Software  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformIntelOSWindowsOS Version11
Target Version14.x 
Summary0004102: Containers need a function classification
DescriptionContainers are designed to group concepts on a high level architecture. However they can also contain OTFT's, therefor the role of the container is important. Is it serving as a container, an interface for UML, a satellite for DV, mark a table construct?

Like the function on Roles, the containers may also need some classification that is recognized and supported by CaseTalk.
TagsNo tags attached.
CaseTalk Editionunknown


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-08 22:35 BCP Software New Issue
2023-08-08 22:35 BCP Software Status new => assigned
2023-08-08 22:35 BCP Software Assigned To => BCP Software
2023-10-25 11:38 BCP Software Target Version 13.0.1 => 13.3
2024-03-13 09:37 BCP Software Target Version 13.3 => 14.x