View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002867CaseTalk ModelerRepositorypublic2024-03-13 09:37
ReporterBCP Software Assigned ToBCP Software  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version14.x 
Summary0002867: Add time moment support
DescriptionCurrent temporal settings on OTFTs allow ValidTime and TransactionalTime. Both add time aspects in the primary key of the artifacts. It lacks the option to add a single time interval which is not part of the primary key, but simply attributes with the entity.
TagsNo tags attached.
CaseTalk Editionunknown


BCP Software

BCP Software

2021-02-23 13:25

administrator   ~0001901

This would lead to an additional setting to allow registration for CRUD moments. In artifacts this would add columns/attributes InsertedOn, ModifiedOn, DeletedOn..
BCP Software

BCP Software

2022-02-24 11:33

administrator   ~0004426

This should be a simple flag in the GLR Transformation settings. For the flag should simply be turned on, on all tables adding:
  • createdon
  • createdby
  • modifiedon
  • modifiedby
  • deletedon
  • deletedby

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-02-23 13:20 BCP Software New Issue
2021-02-23 13:20 BCP Software Status new => assigned
2021-02-23 13:20 BCP Software Assigned To => BCP Software
2021-02-23 13:25 BCP Software Note Added: 0001901
2022-02-24 11:33 BCP Software Note Added: 0004426
2022-02-24 11:33 BCP Software Target Version 13.0.1 => 12.4.0
2022-02-24 11:33 BCP Software Summary Add single timeinterval support => Add time moment support
2022-02-24 11:35 BCP Software Severity minor => feature
2022-03-25 17:44 BCP Software Target Version 12.4.0 => 13.0.1
2023-10-25 11:38 BCP Software Target Version 13.0.1 => 13.3
2024-03-13 09:37 BCP Software Target Version 13.3 => 14.x