Modeler: Tutorial/Editing Information Grammar
From CaseTalk Wiki
In this lesson you will learn how to change information grammars. (Using the information grammar you have created in the previous lessons).
Renaming an object/fact type
Step 10
1. Click on 'Student' in the Repository window.
2. Open 'Student's' popup-menu and select Rename (or press F2).
3. Overwrite 'Student' with 'Apprentice' and press Enter.
4. Open the Edit menu and select Undo Rename 'Student' (or press Ctrl+U).
Removing an object/fact type
Changing the properties of an object/fact type
Changing the properties of a label type
Reducing an object type
Changing an object/fact type expression
Replacing an object type expression
Adding population to a fact type (expression)
Using expression files
Changing the population of a fact type (expression)
Regenerating fact (type) expressions