Modeler: Tutorial/Editing Information Grammar

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In this lesson you will learn how to change information grammars. (Using the information grammar you have created in the previous lessons).

Renaming an object/fact type

Step 10

1. Click on 'Student' in the Repository window.

2. Open 'Student's' popup-menu and select Rename (or press F2).

3. Overwrite 'Student' with 'Apprentice' and press Enter.


4. Open the Edit menu and select Undo Rename 'Student' (or press Ctrl+U).

Removing an object/fact type

Changing the properties of an object/fact type

Changing the properties of a label type

Reducing an object type

Changing an object/fact type expression

Replacing an object type expression

Adding population to a fact type (expression)

Using expression files

Changing the population of a fact type (expression)

Regenerating fact (type) expressions
