Modeler: 8/RepositoryRules
Model Well-formednes
This window shows the well-formednes rules for the active model.
Every fact type must have an intra UC
There must exist at least one Uniqueness Constraint on the roles within the object of fact type.
The N rule must be valid for every nominalized fact type
All roles within a nominalized fact type must be covered under a single uniqueness constraint.
The N-1 rule must be valid for every fact type
Facts are required to have at one or more uniqueness constraint over N-1 roles.
The subtype rule must be valid for every subype
In a fact type that is a subtype, all roles have a single role uniqueness constraint. For nominalized subtypes, all object type expressions concern exactly one role.
The alias of an object/fact type must be unique
Object / fact types names must be unique, this includes the alias set at the fact property dialog.
All object type expressions must be used
Object types expressions generally are created during qualification of fact expressions. This rule states that the object type expressions should be verbalized as part of another object types of fact type expression.
Non-lexical object types without totality constraints must have a fact type expressions
Object types which have no fact type expression, must be used in another fact type through a totality constraint.
The actual population of every fact type must be verbalizable
Every population tuple must be referenced in a fact type expression.
A strict equality constraint must apply on each subtype tupel
Subtypes must have a corresponding population in regard to their supertype.
Fact types may not contain redundant role combinations
A fact type which has a similar role set of roles as another fact type may contain redundant information. This is considered a warning, not an error.
The population should match the value constraints
The population should obey the value constraints of the corresponding label type.
Facts must have at least one sample population
Facts should have at least one tuple in the example population. This may occur when the population is cleared, or the facts are added to CaseTalk through reverse engineering.
Roles must have distinct semantic meanings
Multiple roles within the same fact, which are playing the same object or label type, should have distinct names. You may solve this may adding role fixes, or by inserting additional object types which are named differently for each role. Note that newer versions of CaseTalk also consider the result of any rolefix as a regular otft name. Therefor the result of a rolefix must be unique among all OTFT's.