Modeler: 8/RepositorySql
From CaseTalk Wiki
SQL Repository
This window enables you to write advanced queries on the repository using sql. It uses the SQLite syntax. You may read about it at [1].
The SQLite function set is extended with a few more functions, especially used inside CaseTalk:
The md5 function generates a hash from the value passed as text.
select md5(otftname) as OTFT_HASH, OTFTName from otft;
The macro function supports keywords also defined in the custom attribute keywords. An example query could be:
select macro('%PROJECTNAME%\%IGNAME%\v%IGVERSION%\' || otftname) as FULL_OTFT from otft;
The soundex function returns a code for the text which allows text comparisons on the sound of them.
select otftname, soundex(otftname) from otft
Extract the named annotation from a sectioned comment field. CaseTalk supports Custom Annotations, yet stores them in a single textblob. This function enables sql to extract the named annotation.
select otftname, annotation('Comment', comment) as comment, annotation('Remarks', comment) as remarks from otft