Modeler: 10/RepositorySql

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SQL Repository

This window enables you to write advanced queries on the repository using sql. It uses the SQLite[1] syntax. On the left the panel shows various databases which may be queried, with their tables, views and the columns in them.



The SQLite function set is extended with a few more functions, especially used inside CaseTalk:


The md5 function generates a hash from the value passed as text.

 md5(otftname) as OTFT_HASH, OTFTName
 from otft;


The macro function supports keywords also defined in the custom attribute keywords. An example query could be:

 macro('%PROJECTNAME%\%IGNAME%\v%IGVERSION%\' || otftname) as FULL_OTFT 
 from otft;


The soundex function returns a code for the text which allows text comparisons on the sound of them.

 select otftname, soundex(otftname) from otft


Extract the named annotation from a sectioned comment field. CaseTalk supports Custom Annotations, yet stores them in a single textblob. This function enables sql to extract the named annotation.

 annotation('Comment', comment) as comment,
 annotation('Remarks', comment) as remarks
 from otft;


Fetch the registry entry value by the name as a simple function instead of a subselect in sql.

   otftname as tablename,
   registry('Profile') as IG_Transformation
 from otft;


Fetch custom attribute value using a simple function instead of a long subquery.

   customattributes('otft', otftname, 'source', 'modeler') as author
 from otft;

External Database

Dragging sqlite databases from the project panel into the database panel will mount them to be queried. Additionally any ODBC connection in the system is listed here. This allows any ODBC source to be integrated in CaseTalk through various queries. To add a new ODBC connection, use the "Shared" button in the toolbar.

ODBC Add.png

In case the Enterprise Edition is used, a "Server" database will be listed as well. This is the central repository as used for the CaseTalk Manager and the Teams menu. It enables users with a "System" Account to query the central repository. Handle with caution!