Model Management

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Model files (*.ig) are listed in projects (*.prj). Under these Model files one may create various diagram files (*.igd) or other artifacts. There are restrictions in place depending on the edition. For instance the Personal Edition is limited to a single IG and IGD file, whereas the Enterprise Edition supports full-fledged mult-user version management of models.


The project manager allows saving files, and creating archives on the fly. These are listed in the History tab in the project window/panel. These archives may be labeled, or created manually, and can be unarchived entirely or partially using the context menu.


Every model file (IG) will receive a unique identifier called namespace. All information elements created in this IG will bare the same unique identifier. This is used to track lineage of these elements when they get merged into other models.

Merging Models

Repurposing information elements in other model files, can be accomplished using the File\Merge functions. It brings up a wizard to select a project, model file, and the Object/Fact/Label Types to merge in.

Using this merge functions brings these elements into the target model, while maintaining the origin they were created in. Merging elements into the target allows to maintain the origin, reverse the ownership, or simply copy them while removing the origin reference.

If the lineage is kept intact while merging, the elements will show up locked and read only in the target model. These can be temporarily overridden in corresponding edit dialogs to allow user overrides.


The Enterprise Edition allows management of models using the upload/download functions. Lineage and version reporting is extended in the CaseTalk Portal allowing all users in the organisation to navigate the information models.